Peter Perkins had seen and
heard everything and he couldn’t believe his eyes or his ears. His Spinoza-Sense had told him that
something was wrong, but Mr Smith had kept his evil intent so well hidden under
a lead-lined veil of incompetence that he had been impossible to read. He had
heard Mr Smith reveal himself to be Abdullah Fahad Achmed Al
Mohammed bin Abdul Faisal Muhammed Fuad Abdullah Aziz Smith aka the super-villain Cheesefinger and he had seen the
voluptuous Irene Smedley arrive and a man resembling Mr Smith (but with an
Egyptian air about him) leading Jim, Miss Yip and Wulf Sternhammer out of the
office at gunpoint.
He had to think fast. He
reached into his pocket and found a Teichmuller
Tracking Device from his old I-Think-Therefore-I-Am-Man
days. The tracker was one of his own inventions and he’d named it after the
German philosopher Gustav Teichmuller (1837 – 1888) because he’d found him
difficult to follow. Perhaps, thought Peter, now was the time to bring I-Think-Therefore-I-Am-Man out of
retirement. He ran to the end of the corridor and left the building through a
side door. He skirted his way around the building, moving as quickly as his
bulky frame would allow.
He was in luck – he had
reached Irene Smedley’s car before Smith and the others had left the building.
He bent down, reached behind the rear bumper and attached the tracker just as
the factory door opposite him began to open.
He quickly dived behind a
large bush on the other side of the road and listened.
“We must take care of them,
Irene, my love,” said Smith kissing Mrs Smedley full on the lips. “They must
never be seen again.”
“Don’t worry, darling. I
think Derek is ready for a nice big meal. It’s been a while since he finished
off Charles.”
“Yes, your stupid rich
husband - all the time he thought that it was just you and that dog, where in
actual fact it had always you and me!” Mr Smith burst into maniacal laughter.
“I know – ever since you
contacted me from New
Zealand we have been lovers. I never loved
my husband – I only loved his money!”
“All right, all right!” said
Miss Yip, angrily, “I think that’s enough back story and plot exposition to
fill everyone in with your motives. Let’s get this over and done with, shall
The three prisoners were
bundled into the back of the car and when they were firmly secured there Irene
Smedley sat down in the driver’s seat and started the engine. With his golden
gun still trained on them, Mr Smith climbed into passenger side and slammed the
door, just as the car roared away.
Peter Perkins emerged from
his hiding place and ran full tilt to his office. He closed the door, pulled
down the blinds and quickly changed out of his work clothes and into his once
familiar brown jacket with patches on the elbows, brown corduroy trousers,
striped shirt with a plain collar, spotted tie and comfortable shoes “This
looks like a job for I-Think-Therefore-I-Am-Man!”
he cried as he left the office.
From the corridor behind him
he thought he heard the sigh of female voice saying, “I-Think-Therefore-I-Am-Man? But . . . how?”
Peter ran to his car and
started the engine. He switched on the Teichmuller
Tracking System and wondered what to do next. And then it suddenly came to
him. “Claire! I must go and get Claire!”
Claire was busy typing up
the menu for when Jim returned home for his dinner. She had taken all the cans
out of the cupboard and they were sat on the side waiting to be opened with her
trusty Brabantia. This was to be her
first three-course meal in England and she wanted to make it special.
Campbell’s Cream of
Tomato Soup
Bentos Steak & Kidney Pie
Tinned Marrowfat Peas
Tinned Baby Carrots
Tinned New Potatoes with Butter
Rice Pudding
Jar Cheese & Biscuits
The doorbell rang as she
typed out the last word on the menu. “Whoever can that be?” she thought. “It’s
too early for Jim to be home.”
She opened the door to find
Peter Perkins standing in the doorway. “Oh, hello, Peter – what on earth are
you doing here?”
“Claire!” Peter said
urgently. “You have to come with me. Jim’s in a spot of bother.”
“But, I’m just preparing the
dinner. I have so many cans to open I’ve been exercising my wrist, although I
probably needn’t have seeing as I’ll be using my Brabantia to open them.”
Peter was momentarily
distracted. “You have a Brabantia tin
opener?” he said in amazement.
“Yes,” replied Claire.
“Would you like to see it?”
“Errr,” began Peter, “err .
. . no. No. We need to get going before something terrible happens to Jim.”
“What’s the matter?
Someone’s not fed him some fresh food, have they? Fresh food always upsets his
stomach, you know.”
“No, no, it’s nothing like
that. Now, if you could get in the car, we have no time to lose.”
“Oh. Right,” said Claire, as
she kicked off her slippers and slipped on the comfortable shoes that she had
brought with her from New Zealand. “Let’s get
going then.”
Peter switched on the Teichmuller Tracking Device and started
the car. The Teichmuller spoke to them in a German accent.
“Go schtrate down to ze ent off ze rote and turn left,
zen at ze rountabout turn right,” it said.
“Wow,” said Claire, “that’s
amazing. Have you ever thought of patenting it – you’d make a fortune. Anyway,
what did it say?”
said the Teichmuller, “I vill ask ze qvestions!”
“It needs a bit of
refinement,” said Peter. “A couple of months ago I wanted to go to Leeds and it
directed me all the way to Poland and told me to start the invasion. I was thinking of patenting it under the name of TeichNav, short for Teichmuller Navigation System, but after the Polish incident I think a better name for it would be TwatNav.”
“Keep goink schrate down zis rote until you get to ze ent and zen turn right.”
As they followed the
instructions given to them by the Teichmuller,
a car sped past them travelling in the opposite direction. Peter recognised the
driver as being Mrs Irene Smedley.
“That’s them!” he cried.
“That’s them who kidnapped Jim and Miss Yip and Wulf Sternhammer!”
“Where are they going?”
asked Claire. “Shouldn’t you follow them?”
“No. No. We need to get to
Jim. He may be in some danger by now, along with the woman I love.”
“Oh, that’s nice, rushing to
save the woman you love. Who says romance is dead?”
“You vill reach your destination in von mile,” said the Teichmuller.
As the car reached the brow
of a hill Peter could see the cottage in the distance. “Please, please, let’s
not be too late,” he mumbled to himself.